Training Courses for Mosdos
We bring the training right to your doorstep…
Understanding, Identifying & Resolving a Student’s Issues
Is a four-part series of workshops which we present on-site at your institution
Workshop modules:
- An Introductory Overview
- The Importance of General Life Skills
- How to identify a child’s REAL issues
- Successful Evaluations & Solutions
Your melamdim will learn:
- How to recognize red flags in struggling students
- How to manage the class when students act out
- How to maintain communication between relevant parties
- The importance of general life skills
- Effective evaluation tools
- When outside help is crucial, and when it is unnecessary
“Mosdos” recommend
Menachem was on the verge of being thrown out of cheder,
when we were sent to Machon Ofek as a last resort.
They not only saved his learning, they raised him emotionally
and boosted his social behavior. Today, a year later, Menachem is a new child.
Binyamin W.Monsey, USA
“Rav Yitzchak Weiss, one of the most distinguished members of our community
learned the famed Rabbi Yeshayahu Webber’s method…
Parents speak very highly of him and praise the benefits their
children receive from his efforts.”
Rabbi Yisroel BergerGanei Geulah
Im Interested
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